Botox® Corner Mouth Lip Lift Treatment
You may be a very happy soul, but if your mouth droops down at the corners, it may be difficult for others to believe in your joy. Gravity and genetics play a role in causing you to look unhappy, or perhaps even angry. The unintentional frown on your face can make you look older, and this can cause you to be more self-conscious. You can have those sagging corners lifted with Botox®, giving you a happier, more youthful appearance.
The non-surgical Botox injection will only take a few minutes, and you will not have to worry about any down time or other concerns that can accompany the surgical option. This simple procedure inhibits the muscles that are causing your mouth corners to turn down. When these muscles are relaxed, the corners of your mouth lift upward, giving you a younger, happier appearance.
Non-Surgical Treatment
You could have plastic surgery to permanently correct your downturned corners, but that can be expensive. You would also need to take time off for recovery. The less expensive option is also the treatment that provides you with subtle and beautiful, natural-looking results.
Over activity of the lower facial muscles, specifically the depressor anguli oris muscle, can cause the corners of the mouth to droop or sag downward. When this muscle is relaxed sufficiently, the elevator muscles can do their job better and lift the corners of the mouth. Botox provides a solution that looks natural and not artificial.
A corner mouth lip lift can improve your appearance, causing you to look rested, happy and relaxed. Slightly upturned corners can also make you look younger. Additionally, a Botox injection can reduce the lines around your mouth and neck as it relaxes the tension in muscles affecting targeted areas.
Find out more information about how Botox injections can improve your appearance by scheduling a consultation appointment with Michele Rivard, PA, or Dr. Khosh at Creative Facial Aesthetics, located in NYC.